1. Le français sous toutes ses formes - Answers
- Which other language gave rise to French?
- What type of language is French?
- What do Québec, Belgium and Switzerland all have in common?
- The figure “75 millions” is mentioned in the text. What does this refer to?
- What does the term ‘franglais’ refer to?
- LANGUAGE QUESTION - Can you find the 7 verbs used in the perfect tense in the text? Once you have identified these verbs, see if you can work out the infinitive.
- Latin.
- French is a Romance language.
- They are all French speaking, so are members of the ‘Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie’ (international organisation representing French speaking countries/regions).
- 75 million refers to the number of people who speak French (as their mother tongue).
- Franglais is the combination of ‘français' and ‘anglais' (due to the fact that France has adopted various English words/terms over recent years).
- formée (former)
- favorisé (favoriser)
- développée (développer)
- fait (faire)
- contribué (contribuer)
- adopté (adopter)
- apparu (apparaître)